Ahsoka Part 3 "Time To Fly"
Star Wars: on TV Podcast IndustriesSeptember 01, 2023x
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Ahsoka Part 3 "Time To Fly"

Derek, Chris and John are all back together in the galaxy far far away for Star Wars Ahsoka. We chat all about Part 3 "Time To Fly".

Ahsoka Part 3 "Time To Fly" Synopsis

Executive Producers - Dave Filoni, Jon Favreau, Kathleen Kennedy, Colin Wilson and Carrie Beck

Head Writer: Dave Filoni

Episode 3 Written by: Dave Filoni

Episode 3 directed by: Steph Green

While traveling to the Denab system Sabine Wren restarts her training under Ahsoka and Huyang's guidance as she struggles with her inability to use the Force.

Meanwhile Hera Syndulla meets with Mon Mothma, the Chancellor of the New Republic, and a group of influential senators in order to gain permission to send Republic forces to Seatos. 

Despite Mon Mothma's support, the senators refuse to believe that Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger are alive and deny Hera's request. 

Having been informed of this by Syndulla, Ahsoka, Sabine, and Huyang they discover the Eye of Sion, but are intercepted by a squadron of fighters led by Shin Hati and Marrok as Morgan Elsbeth uses the lasers on the Eye of Sion to fire on them. 

The group escapes by flying through a pod of giant space faring creatures known as Purrgil and land on the surface of Seatos. They take refuge in the forest as Huyang gives his full analysis on the Eye of Sion which he classifies as a Hyperjump Gate. 

However, Shin Hati is aware that they are hiding somewhere in the forest. As a result, her master Baylon Skoll dispatches his forces to hunt them down.


Star Wars Ahsoka Cast Part 3

A Return to a Galaxy Far Far Away

We will discuss:

- Our Top 5 Points (or Saber Points) of the episode

- Notes, Quotes and references

The Ahsoka Cantina Quiz

During each podcast we'll ask a question about each episode in our Ahsoka Cantina Quiz. You can send in your answers each week to feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com At the end of the eight episode series the listeners with the most correct answers will be in with the chance of getting their hands on some Star Wars Ahsoka goodies. All questions will be updated on: https://www.tvpodcastindustries.com

Question 3: What Jedi Technique does Huyang believe Sabine Wren is not ready for?

Feedback for Star Wars Ahsoka

Once you've watched the episodes you can email us to feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com, you can message us @TVPodIndustries on Twitter or join our Facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries and share your thoughts in our spoiler posts for each episode.

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Next time on TV Podcast Industries

Thanks for joining us for our coverage of Star Wars Ahsoka Part 3. We'll be back next week with our chat about Ahsoka Part 4.

You can also join us on our main feed as we conclude our podcasts about Good Omens Season 2 and begin our coverage of The Wheel of Time Season 2 both available on Prime Video.

Until then, Keep Watching, and may the force be with you.

Derek, Chris and John

TV Podcast Industries

The music for this episode Enemy Ships by Audionautix is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.